Intiland and Bank Maspion Collaborate to Held “Inovator Muda” Program

Surabaya (21/06) – Property development company PT Intiland Development Tbk (Intiland:DILD) through the Intiland Foundation collaborates with PT Bank Maspion Indonesia Tbk (Bank Maspion:BMAS) in the Inovator Muda program, an initiation of corporate social responsibility / CSR to empower the younger generation. This synergy was realized symbolically through the signing of a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between Intiland Foundation and Bank Maspion which took place at Bank Maspion Head Office, Pakuwon Tower, Surabaya, East Java, Wednesday (19/06).
The Inovator Muda Program is a series of workshops, discussions, mentoring, and boot camp activities which will be attended by young people aged 18 to 30 years. This program aims to develop skills and provide experience in aspects of leadership, collaboration, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities. The series of activities will take place in the cities of Surabaya and Trawas, Mojokerto Regency, East Java on 26 – 30 August 2024.
Carrying the theme “Building Futures: Youthful Harmony for Social, Economic and Environmental Innovation,” this program is a forum for participants to collaborate and create sustainable initiatives in the economic, social, and environmental fields. Based on the same vision and mission for the development of the younger generation, this synergy is a real manifestation for Intiland and Bank Maspion in holding activities together aiming at improving skills, capabilities, and igniting a spirit of positive change among the participants.
Intiland’s Corporate Director who is also Secretary of the Intiland Foundation, Theresia Rustandi, explained that the Young Innovator program is part of a form of CSR commitment under the umbrella of the Intiland Youth Panel program which has been running since 2018. This program aims to empower the young generation through various activities and specially designed platforms to support self-development in various aspects such as knowledge, motivation, education, investment, leadership, and career development.
“The synergy with Bank Maspion creates added value and a wider positive impact for our commitment and contribution to the younger generation. Young Innovators is not just an intensive training program, but also a transformative journey for the young generation to develop themselves and become capable agents of change that contribute positively to society and the environment,” said Theresia after the PKS signing procession, Wednesday (19/06).
The Inovator Muda Program shows Bank Maspion’s commitment to developing the quality of the nation’s young generation. As a company in the financial industry, Bank Maspion is aware of the important role and contribution of the younger generation to the nation’s economic growth, especially by riding the momentum in which Indonesia is undergoing the demographic bonus period until 2045 where 70 percent of Indonesia’s population is of productive age.
Bank Maspion President Director, Kasemsri Charoensiddhi believes that efforts to empower the younger generation will have a positive impact in community development while increasing competitiveness in the professional world and encouraging growth in the Indonesian economy. According to her, Indonesia needs to produce more tenacious and persistent young entrepreneurs who are able to contribute and becoming the engines to drive economic growth. Bank Maspion believes the best investment for the future is the development of human resources, especially for the younger generation.
“The Inovator Muda Program is a form of Bank Maspion’s commitment to support the emergence of young entrepreneurs. They are the next generation who must have great mentality, knowledge, and skills to face future challenges. The young generation must be able to make a real contribution to economic development, social and environmental,” she said further.
This collaboration is also in line with Bank Maspion’s long-term focus and strategy to strengthen its business. According to her, as more and more young people choose the path of becoming entrepreneurs, this will be the starting point for the emergence of successful entrepreneurs in the future.
Implementation of Activities
The Inovator Muda Program is planned to be held for five days in a number of locations in the cities of Surabaya and Trawas, Mojokerto, East Java. All participants who pass the selection for this program will take part in a series of activities both inside and outside the classroom, which include community development activities by going directly into the community.
Participation in the Inovator Muda program is open and can be joined by young people with various educational and professional backgrounds. All prospective participants who register will go through a series of selection processes.
Inovator Muda program is offered through two schemes for the participants, a regular self-funded application and a fully funded application presented by Intiland and Bank Maspion. Registration for self-funded participants is open from 20 June to 5 August 2024, while registration for fully funded participants is open from 20 June to 27 July 2024.
Registration for Inovator Muda program is done online. Self-funded registration via the link and fully-funded registration via the link
All applicants through the fully funded scheme will undergo a selection process carried out by Intiland and Bank Maspion. The selection process includes essay writing, case study tests, and leaderless group discussions (LGD).
Applicants who pass the selection and will become participants in the Inovator Muda program will be announced on August 17, 2024. All participants are required to attend a briefing or onboarding session which will be held online on August 22, 2024, before the activity is carried out.
Theresia Rustandi explained that apart from the collaboration between Intiland and Bank Maspion, the implementation of the Inovator Muda program was also joined by a number of partners from the universities and institutions or organizations. Universities that are partners for this program include Bina Nusantara University and Surabaya University (Ubaya). Participating in the Inovator Muda program can be recognized as one of the points in student activity that will be included in the non-academic achievement record.
“As a property developer, Intiland does not just build property products but also strives to build a future for the younger generation. Therefore, I appreciate being able to collaborate with Bank Maspion and all partners and other stakeholders. “Let’s build synergy for a better future,” said Theresia.
Apart from the Inovator Muda program, Intiland previously successfully held various CSR activities for community empowerment under the umbrella of the Intiland Youth Panel program. This commitment includes, among other things, Intiland Young Leaders activities which were held in Tasola Village, North Lombok, namely a tourist village supported by the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) in June 2022 and in the Baduy area, Kanekes Village, Lebak, Banten in August 2023.
These activities combine a hands-on learning approach with the values of leadership and social awareness and are an effective platform for participants to increase social sensitivity. During the implementation of activities in Kanekes Village, for example, the participants made a real contribution to preserving culture and the environment, such as participating in the village clean-up program from rubbish, providing warning boards, and getting creative in making environmentally friendly waste baskets.