Intiland and Bank Maspion Successfully Hold Young Innovator CSR Program

Surabaya (06/09) – Property developer PT Intiland Development Tbk (Intiland; DILD) in collaboration with PT Bank Maspion Indonesia Tbk (Bank Maspion; BMAS) successfully held an activity titled Program Inovator Muda as part of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) program. The program, which was attended by more than 20 participants, was successfully held in Surabaya and Trawas, Mojokerto, East Java on August 26-30, 2024.
Carrying the concept of an educational bootcamp with the theme “Building Futures: Youthful Harmony for Social, Economy, and Environment Innovation,” Program Inovator Muda was opened with a series of seminars held online and offline at Spazio Office, Surabaya. Program Inovator Muda presented experts and academics as speakers with topics on design thinking, entrepreneurship, social, business, and environment.
Corporate Director of PT Intiland Development Tbk Theresia Rustandi said that Inovator Muda are part of the Intiland Young Leaders program, an initiative that provides a forum for the younger generation to enrich their experience and knowledge about sustainable development in the economic, social, and environmental landscape. This program includes a series of workshops, discussions, mentoring, and bootcamps aimed at developing skills and providing experience in aspects of leadership, collaboration, and critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
“The experience and knowledge gained during the activity are valuable provisions for participants to become future leaders and have an out of the box way of thinking and prioritize sustainability. They will become future leaders so it is fitting that they equip themselves with knowledge, experience, and creative thinking so that they are ready to step into the future and contribute to sustainable development,” said Theresia in her statement, Friday (6/9).
Inovator Muda participants also conducted field studies to Intiland projects with green initiatives in Surabaya. At Graha Natura, they observed and studied the development of environmentally friendly housing areas and enjoyed the beauty of the artificial lake Dream Lake. While at Graha Famili, participants studied the development of family medicinal plants in Taman Husada which was developed by Intiland in collaboration with Airlangga University.
The peak of the Inovator Muda activity was held at the Ubaya Training Center, Trawas, Mojokerto. Participants conducted social observations and analysis in Selotapak Village. For four days, participants were challenged to create sustainable innovative projects based on the knowledge and experience they gained during the program.
A total of seven groups consisting of three participants each presented innovative projects in front of a panel of judges consisting of mentors and delegates from Bank Maspion. At the appreciation night of Inovator Muda held at the Ubaya Training Center Amphitheater on Thursday night, (29/8), three best sustainable innovative projects were selected.
Theresia revealed the innovative project titled SELO Women’s Empowerment ranked third and Srawung Edu-Trail: Master Plan Solution to Transform Selotapak Village into Sustainable Ecotourism ranked second. The first rank which is also the champion in the Program Inovator Muda was achieved by an innovative project titled GRALAPAH, Collaborative Activity of Running Sports Activists with Earth Saving Action.
“We would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to all Inovator Muda participants for their dedication and commitment in participating in this program. The ideas for sustainable innovative projects submitted by each group are truly ‘fresh’ and extraordinary. This is proof that the young generation of our nation is very creative in presenting solutions to various problems,” Theresia said further.
The winner of the sustainable innovative project has the opportunity to implement their ideas and concepts with a development fund of Rp21 million presented by Bank Maspion. This development fund will be the capital for the winner to implement and realize the innovative ideas and plans that have been made.
Kasemsri Charoensiddhi, President Director of Bank Maspion said the prize is one of the manifestations of Bank Maspion’s commitment to empowering the younger generation. The prize in the form of initial capital is also a form of support for community development and environmentally friendly sustainable development.
“The youth as the next generation play a role in sustainable development. Bank Maspion as a subsidiary of Kasikornbank with its vision to become the Bank of Sustainability. Through this program, Bank Maspion is taking part to ensure that this young generation has the knowledge and expertise to implement sustainable development projects through Inovator Muda activities,” said Kasemsri.
As a banking company that aspire to implement green financing, Bank Maspion places attention on sustainable operational activities. The implementation of sustainable innovative projects from Inovator Muda is one manifestation of this commitment.
“We are proud to see the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the participants in presenting various sustainable innovative projects. We hope that the winners of sustainable innovative projects can implement their ideas and concepts well and contribute positively to the surrounding community in terms of economy, social, and environment,” said Kasemsri.
Implementation of Sustainable Programs
The winners of the sustainable innovative project entitled Gerakan Lari Bersih Sampah (GRALAPAH) were initiated by Muhammad Adnan Bayu Firdaus from Airlangga University, Muhammad Juliansyah Akbar from UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, and Muhammad Fatih Hanif from Brawijaya University. GRALAPAH is an innovative initiative that combines sports activities with environmental conservation and awareness activities.
In this activity, GRALAPAH participants will run while collecting trash they find along the route. Participants will be equipped with trash bags and gloves to facilitate trash collection. Later, the collected trash will be sorted and managed according to its type before being recycled or disposed of properly.
In addition to aiming to raise awareness of environmental conservation, this activity is also expected to promote a healthy lifestyle.
The community is invited to actively participate in maintaining environmental health and cleanliness.
“Intiland and Bank Maspion will provide assistance in the implementation of the GRALAPAH project. This assistance starts from the planning process, execution, to evaluation and monitoring. The enthusiasm carried by the participants is extraordinary, we are optimistic that this activity can be carried out smoothly,” said Kasemsri (Bank Maspion).
The implementation process of the sustainable innovative project was carried out for four months from September to December. Project planning and preparation were carried out in September and program implementation was carried out in October to November. Meanwhile, monitoring, evaluation, and project reporting will be carried out in December.