Good Corporate Governance (GCG) is a series of principles and it serves to optimize the company’s business performance
Good Corporate Governance (“GCG”) is a system of regulations governing the relationship between shareholders, management, employees, and other stakeholders. The implementation of GCG is an important foundation in managing an accountable company. The Company realizes and acknowledges that GCG is a system that regulates and controls the Company in order to create added value for stakeholders.
Good Corporate Governance Guidelines refer to the company’s management and oversight processes that include the division of tasks, powers and responsibilities used by each company’s organs, especially for Shareholders, Board of Commissioners, and Board of Directors.
In the implementation of Good Corporate Governance as one of the indicators of work, the Company is guided by the Law of the Republic of Indonesia no. 40 of 2007 on Limited Liability Companies, Financial Service Authority Regulations (OJK), and other related regulations.
Code of Conduct of The Board Commissioner
Code of Conduct Intiland
Dividend distribution is carried out annually and the amount is determined based on the income earned in the year and the condition of the Company without limiting the rights of the Shareholders at the General Meeting of Shareholders to determine otherwise. Dividend payments will be made after obtaining the approval of the General Meeting of Shareholders as well as the proposal of the Board of Directors with due observance of the applicable laws and regulations as well as consideration of the Company’s financial capabilities.
Intiland is committed to always providing information regarding the conditions and dynamics of the Company to all Stakeholders. This policy is a manifestation of the Company’s responsibility to implementing the principles of equality and fairness for stakeholders. The Company updates information channels regularly such as the Company’s website as the main source of information about the Company. Updating of information on the Company’s website is carried out regularly and continuously as an effort to fulfill Good Corporate Governance following the provisions stipulated by the OJK and developments and community dynamics.
The implementation of the Company’s communication programs and activities is carried out through several divisions and departments, which include:
- The Corporate Secretary is responsible as the main liaison between the Company as a public company and the Stakeholders, including the capital market authorities.
- Relations with investors are carried out by the Capital and Investment Management division, one of which carries out the Investor Relations function.
- Relations with consumers are carried out by the Consumer Relations Management section under the Corporate Marketing division.
Corporate Communications is responsible for the implementation of internal communication by collaborating with the Human Capital division and carrying out external communication activities, one of which being media relation.
The Company has established policies in implementing and managing the procurement of goods and/or services. Hence, the procurement of goods and/or services can run effectively and efficiently, in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, and refers to the principles of Good Corporate Governance. The Company has also established several main principles contained in Goods and Services Procurement Guidelines, namely efficient, effective, transparent, fair and reasonable, accountable, and prioritizing the principles of Good Corporate Governance. Not only that, the Company also implements system which is an integrated Company procurement system, so as to guarantee responsible procurement practices.
The Company continue to maintain and improve the quality of services for customer because it one of the Company’s most important stakeholders. The Company ensures that all consumers get equal information and services in order to get convenience, covering aspects of information distribution, grievances channel, quality of sales service, to aspects of after-sales service. In 2023, the Company ensured that communication and grieances channels at the head office and in development projects ran well. The Company maintains a number of communication channels for consumers, including by telephone, email, social media, as well as through the customer service team available in each Intiland project.
The Company is committed to comply with all principles of Good Corporate Governance throughout the Company. One of these commitments is realized by having procedures for reporting violations or irregularities that have the potential to violate these principles. With the Whistleblowing System, internal and external parties of the Company are required to report if they are aware, see or find any indication of fraud or violation that, according to their knowledge, could potentially harm the Company financially and/or non-financially. Thus, implementing the Whistleblowing System is one of the key elements for the Company to maintain or improve the Company’s transparency and eradicate practices that can adversely affect the Company’s activities and reputation.
The implementation of this whistleblowing system is applicable to all employees and stakeholders. Violation defined in this system is any deviation on the Company’s regulations in relation to financial matters, either done privately or in group, to gain personal and/or group benefit that may harm the company.
Whistleblowing Channel
- Email: peduliperusahaan@intiland.com
- Text: 081318000921 (Head of Internal Audit)
Whistleblowing Procedure
- Whistleblower shall submit the report through one of the provided channels above.
- Each incoming report will be followed-up by the Head of Internal Audit within 3 working days at the latest; in the form of confirmation to the Whistleblower to clarify report material together with the evidence.
- Then, the Head of Internal Auditor draws up a resume within 1 (one) month at the latest to be submitted to the President Director in order to determine the decision that must be taken.
- A report is submitted periodically (monthly) to the Audit Committee regarding the development and the management of the whistleblowing report.
Whistleblower Protection
Internal Audit is obliged to protect and keep the confidentiality of the whistleblower’s identity as it is an essential aspect in Whistleblowing System’s process. Several important matters regarding whistleblower protection are:
- Confidentiality assurance over the Whistleblower’s Identity by the Company (if necessary, the identity may be made anonymous);
- The Company provides assurance for Whistleblower against any type of threat, intimidation, or unwanted action from any other party as long as the whistleblower keeps the confidentiality of such report from any party; and
- Whistleblower Protection also applies to parties conducting the investigation and those giving information related to such report/disclosure.
Intiland can not justify any form and behavior that lead to bribery and corruption with any consideration and reason, since both of these violate the law. Accepting a bribe is an act that deliberately receives something of value in order to give a certain reward that is appropriate to the purpose and desire of the bribe. Accepting bribes are not limited in the form of money, but can be in other forms such as valuable goods, checks, giro, holidays, and others that are considered valuable to the receiver. There is no limit on the nominal value / price in receipts categorized as bribes.
As the person who upholds Trustworthy’s integrity and values, any individuals in Intiland will not be tempted and will stay away from accepting bribes. Corruption is an act of enriching oneself and/or other person/group consciously in a way but not limited to fraud, markups, embezzlement, manipulation, extortion, conspiracy to the detriment of Intiland’s finances. Intiland strictly prohibits and will provide strict sanctions, including termination of employment for the employees who receive bribes or corruption.
Training and/or Development for Employees (2022)
Intiland believes that Human Resources (HR) is the most crucial asset for the Company. The quality and competence of HR play a very significant role in realizing the Company’s vision, mission and goals. Considering this, it is appropriate that the Company places serious commitment and attention in building superior human resources through continuous competency development programs. The Company understands that investment in HR development not only provides short-term benefits, but also provides a solid foundation for long-term business success. By having a team that is skilled, competent and fully committed, we are confident that we will be able to face every challenge and achieve success in various business initiatives.
The Company has determined four strategic steps to develop HR competencies. These four steps include:
- competency mapping and assessment,
- centralized assessment,
- individual and talent development programs,
- providing internal feedback.
The Company has created a series of programs to support the development of HR competencies, including the Individual Development Program (IDP), succession programs for key positions, competency assessment and measurement programs, talent development programs and training. Apart from that, to increase employee knowledge, understanding and engagement, the Company also regularly distributes informative bulletins “Newton” and “GCG Series”, organizes online courses along with learning modules “Global Learning and Development Information System (GLADIS)”, Learning Corner, to internal training.
*as of December 2022
Public Accounting Firm
Mirawati Sensi Idris
Intiland Tower, 7th Floor
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman 32,
Jakarta 10220
T +62 21 5708111
F +62 21 5722737
Service Provided: Financial Audit
PT Bank Mega Tbk
Menara Bank Mega, 16 floor
Jalan Kapten Tendean Kav 12 – 14 A
Jakarta 12790
T +6221 7919 5000
F +6221 7918 7100
Service Provided: Bond Trustee
Share Registrar
PT EDI Indonesia
Wisma SMR, 10th Floor
Jalan Yos Sudarso Kav 89,
Jakarta 14350
T +62 21 650 5829
F +62 21 6515131
Service Provided: Shares Administration
Central Custodian
PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia
Indonesia Stock Exchange Building Menara I Lantai 5, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta
T +62 21 5299 1099
Service Provided: Providing central custodian and securities depository services as well as bond and coupon payment.
Credit Rating Company
PT Kredit Rating Indonesia
Sinarmas Land Plaza, Tower 3, lt 11
Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 51, Kav 22
Jakarta Pusat 10350
T: +62 21 39834411
Service Provided: Assign credit rating for the Company and its bonds
Legal Consultant
Nugroho, Panjaitan & Partners
Equity Tower, lantai 29 Unit E SCBD Lot. 9, Jl. Jend
Sudirman Kav.52-53 Jakarta
T +62 21 29035295
F +62 21 29035297
Service Provided: Legal consultation in relation to commercial transaction.