Community Activity

Resident Activities
Serenia Hills, our landed residential development in South Jakarta, has an envious strong bond among the residents. They voluntarily create community programs involving the residents, the project’s employees and nearby communities.
Total residents of Serenia Hills is about 1,600 people. Average residents’ engagement rate is 20.42%. The highest is 50% (800 people) for independence day celebration contests and the lowest is 4.69% (75 people) for Covid-19 sharing session. For the activity costs, 80-90% is borne by the residents.
There are 26 residents’ fun and rewarding activities conducted during 2018 – 2020 namely residents’ gatherings, picnics at Active Park, Easter celebrations, Break-Fasting gatherings, Christmas & New Year parties, donations to orphans, bazaars, and sharing sessions on health or family-related topics.
In these 2 programs, employees were given the opportunities to serve as volunteers and helped the community to build the houses. About 200 employees from head office and related projects were involved in these programs. Intiland Teduh program was also conducted in Sungailiat, Bangka Belitung. In collaboration with Real Estate Indonesia (REI), the Company assisted a home renovation program forMrs. Tura. This home renovation activity was conducted to commemorate REI’s Anniversary.
Intiland Berbagi
In the education sector, through the Intiland Berbagi program, the Company invited employees and tenants in several Intiland projects, such as Intiland Tower, 1Park Avenue, Aeropolis and South Quarter, to donate quality children’s books. This book donation drive activity was conducted in commemoration of the National Book Day.
Around 3,000 books were distributed to several street schools, such as the Street Children’s Alternative School (SAAJA), 1001 Buku, and the Mata Kita community. Books were also distributed to RPTRA (child-friendly open public space) Intiland Teduh, namely RPTRA Karet Tengsin, RPTRA Rawa Buaya, and RPTRA Semper Barat. These three RPTRAs were developed under Intiland Teduh program in Jakarta.

Contribution to Society at Large
Giving back to society will make us able to live better lives and give better lives to other people. Although we prioritize social programs for the first-ring community in our projects, we still pay attention to the needs and interests of the wider community.

Intiland Teduh
The Company conducts a community involvement and development program for community around its projects, called the Intiland Teduh program. The program’s mission is to build simple and habitable homes. In collaboration with Habitat for Humanity, the Company has built 25 houses and 4 public toilets in Pekong village, in proximity to our Talaga Bestari project in Tangerang. In Neglasari District, Tangerang, adjacent to Aeropolis, we constructed 20 houses and 40family toilets for 60 households, catering for 183 beneficiaries.
During the process, community members, as the program’s beneficiaries, were directly involved in the construction of their own homes. In addition to infrastructure, Intiland Teduh program also provides community education on Clean and Healthy Living Behavior by conducting “hand washing with soap” activity.
In these 2 programs, employees were given the opportunities to serve as volunteers and helped the community to build the houses. About 200 employees from head office and related projects were involved in these programs. Intiland Teduh program was also conducted in Sungailiat, Bangka Belitung. In collaboration with Real Estate Indonesia (REI), the Company assisted a home renovation program for Mrs. Tura. This home renovation activity was conducted to commemorate REI’s Anniversary.
Blood Donations
The Company regularly holds blood donation in collaboration with Indonesia Red Cross as a manifestation of the Company’s social and humanitarian care, because a drop of donated blood can be very meaningful to the lives of others. In addition, donating blood is also beneficial for the donor’s physical condition, as it reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer, controls blood pressure, and accelerate the regeneration of blood cells.
Each project conducts its own blood donor activities. Aeropolis, our project in Tangerang, conducts the blood donor tri-monthly. At least 50 donors participate in each activity consisting of mainly of employees, residents and visitors of Aeropolis. In addition to blood donation, free medical check up is available for cholesterol levels, heart conditions, etc. With these regular activities, we expect residents and communities around our projects can be more aware of the importance of health.

We Care Program, Response to Covid-19 Pandemic
In dealing with covid-19 emergency, the Company launched various initiatives as an emergency response program by providing direct assistance to the community and several institutions to deal with and prevent the spread of Covid-19.
The Company provided basic goods, medicines, health products, health masks, personal protective equipment, and other basic needs to the community, especially for those who live in the proximity of our projects. Nine projects in Jakarta and ten projects in Surabaya participated in this program.
The Company also took the initiative to ensure that all projects were proactive in helping street vendors around the project sites and also the online motorcycle taxi drivers through online food ordering policy. These two informal sectors were among the most directly affected when the Covid-19 pandemic began.
Intesa School of Hospitality
Intesa School of Hospitality was established in 2013 as part of the Company’s mission to provide assistance and improve the quality of education for disadvantaged communities. Intesa is a link-and-match program to bridge the needs of the community for a vocational institution that is affordable to meet the needs of skilled workers in the hospitality and tourism industry.
It received an award in the Education Quality Improvement category at the 2017 CSR Summit & Awards event conducted by The La Tofi School of CSR. By 2020, 282 students had been registered, 73.8% of which had completed their education and went to work in various hotels in many cities in Indonesia.

Badminton Champion Scout
In collaboration with Tangkas Badminton Association – which was later changed to PB Tangkas Intiland – the Company is committed to scouting for potential star badminton players in Indonesia. In addition to scouting for badminton talent, this collaboration also focuses on developing PB Tangkas athletes’ competency to participate in championship competitions, both at national and international levels.
In addition to Marcus Fernaldi Gideon, Jonathan Christie, and Wahyu Nayaka, PB Tangkas Intiland succeeded in producing four athletes to join the PBSI National Training Center, including Winny O. Kandow, Zachariah J. Sumanti, Vicky Angga Saputra, and Christian Adinata.
Monthly Online Class
In November 2020, the Company in collaboration with Airlangga University in Surabaya inaugurated an online class program for students on the use of medicinal plants in the daily life of the community. This online class was held every month to discuss various interesting topics that were tailored to the topic of discussion on the use of medicinal plants which were delivered by experts in their respective fields.
This program was launched as a follow-up program for the development of Husada Park, a green park with a botanical garden concept that was developed in 2012 in Graha Famili in Surabaya. Husada Park, with an area of one hectare, houses more than 700 types of medicinal plants and is designed as a center for the study of medicinal and herbal plants in Surabaya.

Prevention and Eradication of Narcotics
The Company supported the Indonesian National Narcotics Agency for the prevention and eradication of narcotics. Its activities include socialization to government agencies and institutions, state-owned enterprises, private sectors, educational institutions and the community, as well as conducting urine tests, implementing programs and establishing regulations, supervising and mobilizing community social activities against drug trafficking and abuse. The value of the grant given is Rp 1 billion.
Disaster Relief, Lombok
Intiland actively participated in Kadin Indonesia’s disaster relief in Lombok Island. When Lombok was hit by earthquake and tsunami in 2018, Bapak Hendro S. Gondokusumo (CEO of Intiland) as the Vice Chairman of Kadin Indonesia property division called out companies to help Lombok. Intiland donated funds, ideas, programs and human resources to help rebuild public facilities in 6 villages, give scholarships and develop tourist village called Tasola Beach Village to support the economic revival of the villagers in Tanak Song Lauk, North Lombok.

Empowering Youth
Property industry has a significant role in driving the economy in Indonesia. There are 175 related industries behind the property with approximately 30 million workers in it. Given the importance and complexity of the property industry, it is necessary to provide young people with a comprehensive understanding from an early age about this industry. We believe in the power of youths to make positive changes for a sustainable future.
Intiland Youth Panel – I AM Community
The Company takes a strategic role in introducing property investment and industry to young people or millennial groups by creating a community of young people who focus on educational activities, expertise, personal development, and motivation regarding property investment and industry.
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This community, which was initiated in 2018, has grown rapidly and its membership comes from various regions throughout Indonesia. It started with only less than 500 Instagram followers to 26,300 followers currently. Its 396 elite members come from several cities in Indonesia namely Jakarta, Bandung, Tangerang, Bali, Surabaya, Semarang, Balikpapan, Medan, and other large city in Indonesia.
With a digital platform, I AM Community is even more able and easier to unite young people from various regions in Indonesia. Up to 2020, I AM Community has successfully conducted 7 education programs involving a total of 250 participants from several cities in Indonesia. Up to 2020, I AM Community has successfully conducted 7 education programs involving a total of 250 participants from several cities in Indonesia.