Our Customers

“In the process of constructing a building or house, we ensure that the safety and comfort of customers can be realized properly.”

Intiland has a long-established track record as an innovative property developer. Starting from land acquisitions, concept development up to construction and property management, we prudently identify and evaluate the conditions.

We engage experts and consultants since the beginning of the business process to help us in making sure that the development area is suitable and feasible to be developed in accordance with Intiland Sustainable Design. Guideline by taking into account the importance of an integrated sustainable business concept : living well, quality standard and positive contribution.


Product and consumer responsibility are one of the most important factors that can guarantee the continuity and sustainability of a business. Intiland highly concerns about the importance of its product and service quality by carefully maintaining the process from the very early stage of planning, development, handover, and after-sales services.

in the selection of building material, we refers to Intiland Sustainable Design Guideline, National standard, and International Standard. In the process of constructing a building or house, we ensure that the safety and comfort of customers can be realized properly.


Due to the ongoing pandemic situation, Intiland understand the difficulty of customers in managing their finances to purchase properties. We collaborate with various funding parties, especially banks to cater to out customers’ financial capabilities and also we made various efforts, starting from an affordable down payment and low mortgage interest rate with various prices.


Customer Satisfaction

Kami melakukan survei kepada penyewa untuk mendapatkan feedback tentang tingkat kepuasan mereka terhadap South Quarter. Di South Quarter berkisar 98 – 99%, jauh diatas rata-rata target kepuasan.