During 2020 along with the economic slowdown, the Company did not recruit many new employees. Recruitments were open only for necessary positions and projects. In recruitment, we believe that different age groups, backgrounds and skillsets will strengthen the dynamics of the workplace as properly needed.
Our People
The Company believes that people are the most valuable assets that must be managed properly and sustainably. As a labor and capital-intensive company that employs thousands of workers, the Company sees human resources development as an important priority.
The Company is proactively preparing and implementing human resources development and succession programs to support the Company in facing the global dynamics and challenges. Our human capital team explores and drives initiatives to build a conducive and inclusive workplace for our employees’ development, well-being, and satisfaction.
Total Employee

As at 31 December 2021, Intiland employed a total of 1,436 employees of which 75 were male and 25% were female. Due to the nature of the industry, the male usually dominates the gender ratio. however, Intiland gives equal opportunity for all employees to grow and develop further.
New Hires
Voluntary Employee Turnover
The turnover rate in 2020 was 7.8% of the total employees which is still below the average industry of 10% according to Mercer’s 2019 Indonesia Total Remuneration Survey. Our average turnover rate hasusually been less than 2%.